Alerts: Navigate Medicare in Hawaii with SHIP: As Seen on Living808

This Week’s Medicare Quick Bite is Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage!

February 17, 2022 | Views: 226

“Medicare Quick Bites” is your weekly treat of Medicare information. Hawaii SHIP has created these bite-sized lessons to help you understand this complex federal health insurance, thus “Making Medicare Digestible!” Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to get your weekly delivery of Medicare Quick Bites! This week’s treat is Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage or ABN.

Original Medicare beneficiaries may receive an ABN from their doctor, health care provider, or supplier if they think Medicare doesn’t cover the services they’ll provide. If you receive an ABN, you will be asked to choose whether to get the items or services listed on the notice. If you choose the items or services, then you are agreeing to pay for them if Medicare won’t. You’ll also be asked to sign the notice to say you read and understand it.

Please note that an ABN isn’t a denial of coverage. Beneficiaries can file an appeal when they receive the “Medicare Summary Notice” or MSN showing the item or service in question. A Medicare Quick Bite on MSNs was posted to the blog on 1/31/2022.

MedQkBite_ABN_ 2.10.2022

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