Alerts: Navigate Medicare in Hawaii with SHIP: As Seen on Living808

This Week’s Medicare Quick Bite is Special Enrollment Period for Parts A & B!

September 16, 2021 | Views: 238

“Medicare Quick Bites” is your weekly treat of Medicare information. Hawaii SHIP has created these bite-sized lessons to help you understand this complex federal health insurance, thus “Making Medicare Digestible!” If you’ve missed the previous quick bites, they are also posted on our blog. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to get your weekly delivery of Medicare Quick Bites!

This week’s treat is the Special Enrollment Period for Parts A &/or B: the 8-month period that begins the month after the enrollment ends or the coverage ends, whichever happens first. Special Enrollment Periods may be available if you missed your Initial Enrollment Period when you turned 65 and could have enrolled into Medicare but didn’t because you were covered by a creditable group health plan based on current employment (your own, a spouse’s, or a family member’s–if you have a disability).



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